Monday, February 28, 2011

Incorporating Technology

Incorporating technology in classroom is very important cause we use technology to find resources and help us to succeed. Also it is a great idea to turn in homework dealing with technology, since technology is the new thing, it was always been  the thing! all day everyday! yeeu' know what i mean. So its cool to submit homework on websites like using google sites account and this! It helps me alot  since i go on my laptop like every single day. (;

Wassup ;P

 Welcome to my blogspot! i made this today 2/28/11 . Today was an au'gee day. Today was chill. I liked todays periods (; . And an interesting thing that i learned today is that today is the end of February and i thought months ends on 30's or 31's. But what if theres people birthdays on 29? lmao thats what my thoughts are on this day. All in all, Hope you enjoy my blogs ;p. Thanks for following me !